
Prison builder download
Prison builder download

prison builder download

Have mines automatically reset after a certain amount of time.

prison builder download prison builder download

Create mines for players to collect materials.Prison supports, and works with, many other plugins.New Feature: Now tracks all blocks mined, by their types.Custom Blocks support using Custom Items plugin.That's right! Hex colors used in Prison placeholders can work in plugins that don't support hex colors! Supports hex colors! Provides advance support of hex colors in placeholders to help provide hex color support in other plugins that don't support hex colors.About 300 Placeholders including Aliases, with placeholder attribute support for dynamic customization of most placeholders.GUI menu support for most player and admin functions.Includes options to enable durability wear on tools, XP for mining, no limit on Fortune, etc. Auto manager: auto pickup, auto smelt, and auto block, with AutoSell capabilities.You can also control the placement of blocks to specific layers. New Feature: Block Constraints allows you to zero in on a minimum or maximum number of blocks to place within your mine.New Feature: BlockEvents allows firing commands when players break blocks with many features such as percent chance, tied to permissions, targeting Token Enchant Explosion Events, etc.Mine commands with many customizations to control reset behavior and setup.Powerful mine editing commands to move and dynamically resize mines, even to repair surrounding terrain, even auto generation of mine liners with ladders. Mines: Highly customizable with many features.Rankup and Prestige commands, including promote, demote, and set rank.Ranks with Prestiges: Highly customizable with rankup commands.Sets up all the ranks, virtual mines, links ranks to the mines, assigns blocks to mines in increasing value, auto assign mine liners, and generates rank commands to control basic permissions. New Feature: Prison now has a new auto-configure feature to get you up and running quickly: /ranks autoConfigure.It can also produce different conversions based upon perms so your higher-ranked players, or patrons, can get something different. This will also for custom drops, smelting, and blocking to name a few. You will be able to control converting any block in to different blocks or items. New Feature Coming Soon: BlockConverters that will allow you to customize how prison handles blocks within the Auto Features module.

Prison builder download